DRILL-FERMO weighting agent is a high-quality, ground iron oxide with a specific gravity of 5.0 or above. Because of its high specific gravity, muds formulated with DRILL-FERMO weighting agent have lower solids content and frequently contribute to higher rates of penetration compared with barite muds.

It can be substituted for or blended with barite in all mud systems. DRILL-FERMO weighting agent is ground and processed to remove impurities, then classified to achieve the desired particle size distribution.




DRILL-FERMO weighting agent is applicable in all types of drilling fluids, including freshwater, seawater and oil-base muds. It can be used to increase the density of all drilling and completion fluids to 25 lbm/galUS [3.0 s.g.]. DRILL-FERMO weighting agent is most frequently used in high-density, oil-base muds.

Fluids weighted with DRILL-FERMO weighting agent contain fewer solids by volume than those weighted with barite, making higher mud weights possible. It is especially useful in high-density kill fluids.



-Muds contain fewer solids than similar-density barite muds because of the 15% higher specific gravity

-Rheological values in muds improve; generally plastic viscosities are2-30% less than barite muds

-Use of DRILL-FERMO muds can result in higher rate of penetration

-DRILL-FERMO additive has a higher bulk density than barite; so more weight is held in the same volume bulk tanks, and a smaller volume is requires at the wellsite.

-less DRILL-FERMO additive than barite is required to achieve the same mud weight, which reduce mud cost.

-It is harder mineral than barite, so it is more resistant to particle size degradation.

-Approximately 97% acid soluble in 15% hydrochloric acid (HCL).

-Can be environmentally preferred to barite in certain location.


Toxity and Handling:

-Bioassay information is available upon request.

Handle as an industrial chemical, wearing protective equipment and observing the precautions described in the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS).


Packaging and storage:

DRILL-FERMO weighting agent is packaged in 1500 kg [1big bag], multiwall, pp sacks and is available in bulk. Store in a dry, well-ventilated area. Keep container closed. Store away from incompatibles. Follow safe warehousing practices regarding palletizing, banding, shrink-wrapping, and stacking.

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